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2nd Bac Pro Professions of Beauty and Well-Being

  • userLycée Aïzpurdi
  • calendarMAR 15, 2021
  • folderMBBE
  • commenting0 commentaire

The Aizpurdi vocational high school in Hendaye (64) prepares for the Professional Baccalaureate: Hairdressing trades and Aesthetics-Cosmetics-Perfumery.

Access to a specific professionalization for one of these two Baccalaureates is conditioned by the assignment in the second Professions of Beauty and Well-Being (2 MBBE)

Origin of the students :

3rd class (general), however, the establishment is studying the other applications.

Training :

  • General education courses, according to the program common to the Professional Baccalaureate, aesthetics and hairdressing will be provided to students (12H)
  • Vocational education courses will allow them to begin to acquire skills common to both professions (15H) and the realization of simple professional techniques in one and / or the other of the disciplines (according to the choice of the student).
  • Bet implementing beauty and well-being services in an environmentally friendly way.
  • Customer relations and sale of services and products in beauty and well-being.
  • Management of a beauty and well-being business

2 cases can arise:

  • If the young person already has a determined professional project, he will be assigned for the school year on the technical platform (hairdressing or aesthetics) of his choice according to the number of places available. It is therefore essential to specify this choice when registering with the establishment.
  • If the young person is still undetermined, he will have the possibility of working successively on the two technical platforms always according to the available places.

Training periods in a professional environment lasting a total of six weeks will help the young person to make up his mind or to consolidate his choice.

Training periods in a professional environment & nbsp; 6 to 7 weeks:

  • For undecided students :possibility to vary between hairstyle and aesthetics.
  • For determined students :6 to 7 weeks in salon or institute.

At the end of the school year, the assignment to one of the two Professional Baccalaureates will be made through an Affelnet procedure concerning all second MBBE students

"Hairdressing trades" (15 places) or "Aesthetics" (45 places).

European section :

The option is offered in Spanish or English.

This option allows the student, if he wishes, to participate in a Professional Training Period (PFMP) abroad and to obtain the "European Mention".

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Article publié le MAR 15, 2021 à 12h03 dans la catégorie « MBBE ».