Venez découvrir nos formations présentées par les enseignants et les élèves lors de la journée Portes Ouvertes du samedi 15 février et du prochain mini-stage du mercredi 19 février 2025 !

Actualités du Lycée Aïzpurdi

Mini-internships at Aizpurdi high school

On Wednesday March 3, you were able to visit our school virtually and vocational education teachers presented the training to you....

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LP Aizpurdi at MAF (Best Apprentice of France) in hairdressing 2021


Students of Complementary Hairdressing Mention of Aizpurdi High School at the Departmental MAF...

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Heading for the Euroregion at Aizpurdi high school


You will find a report shot at the Aizpurdi vocational school in Hendaye on hairdressing by Charles Dupoizat (Freelance Journalist)...

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An Escape Game in Aizpurdi


Professor John Turner entrusted missions to the Bac Pro students of Aizpurdi high school to discover "the Holy Grail"....

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Golf at AS Aizpurdi


Even during this complex period, SA remains a time to open up culturally to other activities. Golf initiation this Wednesday. Our students were able to learn the basics of the approach and the game at the Corniche practice....

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Sports walk at AS Aizpurdi


Encore une belle journée d’AS. Malgré un ciel chargé, nos élèves ont pu arpenter les flancs du col d’ibardin....

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Aizpurdi Frontball Tournament


First day of the high school frontball tournament. Beautiful confrontations in a tough tournament. A big thank you to the city hall of Hendaye for lending the wall on the left on the niche 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Congratulations to our 8 participants....

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Sports Association - Skate and Roller


What a joy to see a few smiles on the faces of our young people. Superb afternoon of rollerblading in a workforce reduced by the circumstances. Let’s not give up !!...

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Surfing with AS Aizpurdi


Surfing with AS Aizpurdi...

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Assembly of the Sports Association


General Assembly of the A.S....

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2nd Bac Pro Professions of Beauty and Well-Being

  • userLycée Aïzpurdi
  • calendarMAR 15, 2021
  • folderMBBE


The Aizpurdi vocational school in Hendaye (64) prepares for the Professional Baccalaureate...

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The cross-border film

  • userLycée Aïzpurdi
  • calendarAVR 4, 2019
  • folderATMFC


Thursday, April 3, was the launch of the cross-border film "Grand Age Cap Métiers" (in which the school participated) on professions in the silver economy and more specifically on professions related to helping the dependent elderly....

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Departmental MAF competition in Aesthetics


On Wednesday March 20, 2019, the competition for the Best Departmental Apprentice in Aesthetics took place with the students prepared by Ms. Coussirat (MOF) and Ms. Aguerre. The 6 students from the school who entered the MAF received medals and congratulations from the jury. 5 Gold medals: Dubernet Amandine, Labarthe Lys, Felice Théa, Catelin Eve, Claverie Flora 1 Silver medal: Borthayre Klara Congratulations to all the winners (medal ceremony on May 22 at the Parliament of Navarre in Pau). Congratulations to the teachers. A ceremony will soon take place at the school. All the young ladies and their models are selected to participate in the regional competition. An excellent “image” for the school and above all a good memory for the students....

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CAP ATMFC: Students and Seniors gathered for a visit

  • userLycée Aïzpurdi
  • calendarMAR 18, 2019
  • folderATMFC


On Thursday, March 14 in the afternoon, the students of section 1 CAP ATMFC met with pleasure the seniors of the DENENTZAT social center to share the visit of the park and the observatory castle of Abbadia in Hendaye. This visit, in the continuity of the "intergenerational meeting" project, evoked the story of Virginie and Antoine d'Abbadie. This castle, now owned by the Académie des Sciences, in neo-Gothic style, surprised our students with these paintings which, upon entry, invite you to travel and reveal the previous owner's logbook....

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We will present to you the BEAUTY ATELIER carried out with the Aesthetics-Euro English sections with the association Landes and pays basque international women’s club. Mrs. Duprat being part of this association with English ladies, offered them to serve as a model for the Seconde, 1er and Terminale Aesthetic Euro English classes in order to help us progress in the English language. In this article we will introduce ourselves, tell you about our experience with the foreign language and our feelings....

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Aizpurdi high school on France 3

Mini stage d'immersion 2018 - 2019

  • userLycée Aïzpurdi
  • calendarAOU 27, 2018
  • folderERASMUS


The Lycée AÏZPURDI d'HENDAYE offers for 3rd year secondary school students, 3rd MDP6 or 3rd SEGPA as well as for 2nd or 1st general, technological or professional high school students who wish to reorient themselves (bridges), mini-internships under the in the form of a full day of observation per student. We suggest choosing one of these dates...

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Cambridge English Certificate (CEC) graduation ceremony


This Tuesday, December 18, the Anglicist students of Première and Terminale BAC PRO Esthétique European Section received their CAMBRIDGE diploma from the hands of Mr. Cabos, Principal of the Lycée and in the presence of the members of the Basque Country International Women's Club association, aesthetic customers in English language....

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Hairdressing Complementary Mention students in Tafalla (Spain)


The students of the Secondary School Hairdressing Mention had the opportunity to share a week of lessons at the CIP in Tafalla in Navarre....

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Aizpurdi Sports Association


The AIZPURDI high school celebrates the ERASMUS DAYS in Bordeaux

  • userLycée Aïzpurdi
  • calendarNOV 20, 2018
  • folderERASMUS


A member of the AQUITAPRO Consortium since its creation (2013 - 2014), the Aizpurdi high school was invited to the ERASMUS DAYS which were held at the Gustave Eiffel high school in Bordeaux on Friday, October 12, 2018....

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The 2PROs at Beauty Success


As part of the "Discovery of the profession" project, the second Aesthetic Pro Bac students went, accompanied by their teachers, to the Beauty Sucess in Bidart. They were received by Mrs Falguereittes, manager of this perfume store, who presented them the cabins and the sales area....

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National Day of School Sports


A very beautiful day of school sports this Wednesday, September 26 in Saint-Jean-de-Luz....

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Integration day 2018


Friday September 14th took place the integration day at the Domaine d’Abbadia for the students of 1ATMFC, 1CF and 2PRO....

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Back to school 2018 - 2019


Start of the 1st year CAP Hairdressing, CAP ATMFC and the 2nd Bac Pro...

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