An Escape Game in Aizpurdi
Lycée Aïzpurdi
MAR 15, 2021
High school
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Professor John Turner entrusted missions to the Bac Pro students of Aizpurdi high school to discover "the Holy Grail".
In a mysterious atmosphere, the pupils had to solve 4 riddles to discover the 4 digits of the secret code of the padlock which was to lead them to "the Holy Grail" and 4 riddles to find the position of the numbers on the padlock.
Here are the puzzles :
- A sequence of numbers
- A tangram
- The magic star
- Who conducts the electric current?
- The mystery letter
- The magic phrase
- Breaking News
- An encrypted message
Even though the mission proposed by John Turner was difficult, the students did not give up and were eager to find the secret code. Few of the students were able to open the safe. Congratulations to everyone ...
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Article publié le MAR 15, 2021 à 12h18 dans la catégorie « High school ».