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LP Aizpurdi at MAF (Best Apprentice of France) in hairdressing 2021


Students of Complementary Hairdressing Mention of Aizpurdi High School at the Departmental MAF...

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Heading for the Euroregion at Aizpurdi high school


You will find a report shot at the Aizpurdi vocational school in Hendaye on hairdressing by Charles Dupoizat (Freelance Journalist)...

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Aizpurdi high school on France 3

Hairdressing Complementary Mention students in Tafalla (Spain)


The students of the Secondary School Hairdressing Mention had the opportunity to share a week of lessons at the CIP in Tafalla in Navarre....

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The additional mention


The additional mention "Hairstyle-cut-color" is an opportunity to complete your technical training and deepen your technical gestures through an active work-study program (15 weeks of internship). It follows a CAP hairdressing....

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CAP Hairdressing in 1 year


The CAP hairdressing is an opportunity offered via a "personalized course" to any young person, boy or girl, already possessing a level 5 diploma (CAP, Bac Pro, general bac, leaving University, returning to initial training, etc.)....

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Presentation of the professions of hairdressing, aesthetics and the life support


You wish to come to our establishment to prepare...

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Students in internship in Cork (Ireland)


April 25, 2016, 5 p.m. ... The 6 students of Terminale Bac Pro Esthétique just returned from their one-month internship in London, it's the turn of the Hairdressing section (Florian, Andreia, Lydie, Maitena, Servane, students of Terminale CAP Coiffure and Lucie, student of Complementary Mention Hairstyle Cut Color) to fly to the British Isles, still within the framework of the Erasmus Plus scheme. Destination? Cork, Ireland! The 1st day on Irish soil starts off with a bang: after a night's rest in the host families, go to the "International Partnership" organization, our partner on site, for a contact meeting . Briefing on issues relating to daily life (meals, transport in Cork etc.); then Miren, a young employee of the organization, leads the students to their respective internship locations, hairdressing salons located in the heart of the city center. Finally, time for leisure: guided tour of the city and a little orientation game in real conditions. Here is the collection of first impressions at the end of a week of immersion: delighted students unanimously! Only small downsides, the weather a little cool ... and the Irish accent, not always easy to understand ... But with time, you get used to it!...

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Franck and Stein's puppet show


Mr. Garcia's students imagined a puppet show....

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A Hairdressing section that is schooling in Madrid ...


7 students (additional mention) completed a 3-week immersion course in the Spanish capital, an internship organized by the school as part of the Erasmus program....

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Hairdressing Complementary Mention students in Ireland


MC students in Ireland for their PFMP with Erasmus...

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Hairdressing tutorials


The Lycée Aizpurdi in Hendaye in collaboration with the Lycée CIP Tafalla (Navarre), during the year 2019 and in support of the ECVET project, produced three video tutorials in four languages (French, Spanish, Basque and English)....

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A new professional baccalaureate in Aizpurdi


EDUCATION. The principal of Aizpurdi vocational school, Bernard Cabos-Duhamel, gives his vision of the reform of the bac (Collected by Fabien Jans - South West - 01/28/20020)...

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Erasmus: cross-border diplomas in Aizpurdi


France 3 - Euskal Herri Pays Basque - Broadcast of January 31, 2020...

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CAP timetable


Here is the hourly breakdown of teaching in the 1st and 2nd year CAP class...

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Bac Pro timetable


Here is the hourly distribution of the lessons of the three years of the Bac Pro Aesthetics - Cosmetics - Perfumery and the Bac Pro of Hairdressing Trades...

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Aizpurdi high school webradio


Here is the program n ° 3 of the Webradio of the Aizpurdi high school...

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