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CAP Hairdressing in 1 year

The CAP hairdressing is an opportunity offered via a "personalized course" to any young person, boy or girl, already possessing a level 5 diploma (CAP, Bac Pro, general bac, leaving University, returning to initial training, etc.).

The training consists exclusively of vocational education to which is added 8 weeks of PFMP or periods of training in a professional environment; it ends with the passage from CAP to CCF (control during training).

1- Qualifications required : motivation

Friendliness - Patience - Courtesy - Creativity - Curiosity - Gestural dexterity…

2- Diplomas required; minimum level 5; Conditions of access to training: - 26 years old.

- CAP Hairdressing

(1 an)

Level 5

Initial training

8 weeks of internship

- Employed under the responsibility of staff with a Professional Brevet.

- Employee at a product distributor (wholesaler).

- Continuation of studies towards a complementary mention, a BP or a Bac pro

3- The AIZPURDI High School offers for volunteer students : a real plus !

  • CAP hairdressing in 1 year European sectionin English or Spanish.

Individualized professional course including 18 hours of Technological and Professional Education minimum,

1H De DNL(professional course in a foreign language)

1 hour from European LV(reinforcement of oral practice)

8 Weeks of PFMP, including an ERASMUS + mobility of 1 month abroad.

  • Possibility of a 6-month contract abroad at the end of the training (AQUITA PRO) :

Additional international training : Member of the AQUITA PRO consortium.

- 6 to 8 weekslinguistic and cultural preparation.

- 26 weeksinternship in a company (Erasmus professional mobility).

- 2-4 weeksdrafting of the internship report and personal assessment of the mobility experience, followed by an oral defense in the high school carrying the project.

- Obtaining a mobility EUROPASS (professional skills assessment) and a certificate of additional international training (FCIL).

4- Why and when to apply for a hairdressing CAP in 1 year?

The CAP Hairdressing in 1 year allows you to acquire the basics of hairdressing as part of a reorientation or additional training. This is the perfect opportunity to discover a new professional field. Personal motivation is the engine of such a project because it involves developing in one year the skills usually developed in two years of technological and professional training. Candidates are exempt from the general education CAP tests because they already hold a level 5 diploma.

Requests can now be sent in writing to the headmaster's secretariat. Permanent admissions depending on places.

Hurry up!

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Article publié le MAI 13, 2018 à 09h09 dans la catégorie « Hairdressing ».