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Students in internship in Cork (Ireland)


April 25, 2016, 5 p.m. ... The 6 students of Terminale Bac Pro Esthétique just returned from their one-month internship in London, it's the turn of the Hairdressing section (Florian, Andreia, Lydie, Maitena, Servane, students of Terminale CAP Coiffure and Lucie, student of Complementary Mention Hairstyle Cut Color) to fly to the British Isles, still within the framework of the Erasmus Plus scheme. Destination? Cork, Ireland!The 1st day on Irish soil starts off with a bang: after a night's rest in the host families, go to the "Partnership Internationale" organization, our partner on site, for a contact meeting . Briefing on issues relating to daily life (meals, transport in Cork etc.); then Miren, a young employee of the organization, leads the students to their respective internship locations, hairdressing salons located in the heart of the city center. Finally, time for leisure: guided tour of the city and a little orientation game in real conditions. Here is the collection of first impressions at the end of a week in immersion: delighted students unanimously! Only small downsides, the weather a little cool ... and the Irish accent, not always easy to understand ... But with time, you get used to it!

13241255_625996634221041_9199557993738285128_nAt Cork airport (At Cork airport) From left to right (From left to right): Florian, Lucie, Servane, Andreia , Lydie ready for boarding (ready to board)
In the street (In the street) Sightseeing (Town tour)
13131009_10209185889865748_2816291198444779825_oIn a pub (In a pub) Relaxing after a day of work (Relaxation after a day's work)
Some testimonies collected ...Lydie: "Cork City is so lovely! That was a good experience and I have improved my English. It was a little difficult to adapt to new food habits but in the end, I got used to them!" ("Cork is a really nice city! It was a good experience and I improved in English. Adjusting to new eating habits was a bit difficult but in the end I got used to it!") Andreia: "It was amazing! I've learnt a lot there, professionally and personally speaking. My boss even proposed me a job! I am thinking about it ... I hope to be back there soon!" (It was fabulous! I learned a lot, both professionally and personally. My boss even offered me a job. I'm thinking about it. Hope to go back there soon! ") Maitena: "It was great! I loved the atmosphere in the hairsalon - far more relaxed than inFrance ... I felt really good!" (It was really great! I loved the atmosphere in the hairdressing salon - much more relaxed than in France ... I felt really comfortable! ") Florian: "The place was beautiful, our host family perfect, and the job really interesting. The pub was nice too!" ("The place was beautiful, our host family perfect and the work very interesting. The pub was nice too!")


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Article publié le JUIN 2, 2016 à 07h48 dans la catégorie « Hairdressing ».