Hairdressing tutorials
- Lycée Aïzpurdi
- DEC 8, 2019
- Hairdressing
- 0 commentaire
The Lycée Aizpurdi of Hendaye in collaboration with the Lycée CIP Tafalla (Navarre), during the year 2019 and in support of the ECVET project, produced three video tutorials in four languages (French, Spanish, Basque and English).
Two teachers from Hendaye (Marie Hélène Soulé and Alberto Rodriguez) and two teachers from Tafalla (Txaro Garcia and Maribal Carracero) developed and recorded these videos to help exchange students between Lycée Aizpurdi and CIP Tafalla.
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Article publié le DEC 8, 2019 à 13h12 dans la catégorie « Hairdressing ».