Venez découvrir nos formations présentées par les enseignants et les élèves lors de la journée Portes Ouvertes du samedi 15 février et du prochain mini-stage du mercredi 19 février 2025 !

Integration day 2018

Friday September 14th took place the integration day at the Domaine d'Abbadia for the students of 1ATMFC, 1CF and 2PRO.How the day went8:30 am - 9:00 am: The 85 students are divided alphabetically into 2 groups. Each group is made up of 8 teams. The teachers are ready for this sunny day.9 am: Departure by bus to the Abbadia estate for group 1 and to the "2 twins" beach for group 2. 9 h 30 – 11 h 00

  • 1ergroup: Orientation course on the estate d'Abbadia in groups of 4 to 5 students supervised by a teacher. In this beautiful playground, the students must find the markers and answer the questions.
  • 2th group: Activities on the beach of the 2 twins (Land'Art). From the natural elements found on the beautiful beach of Hendaye, each group creates a work of art.

11 h 30 – 13 h 00

  • 1ergroup: Activities on the beach of the 2 twins (Land'Art)
  • 2thgroup: Orientation course on the Abbadia estate

We will give you very quickly the results of the orienteering race and the land'Art. Very soon, you will be able to admire the 16 masterpieces.

  • Teachers must correct all 16 questionnaires.
  • For land'Art, students and teachers must vote to designate the "most successful" achievement.

1:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m .: Gathering at the Ondarraitz stadium (walking)1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m .: Picnic very pleasant and served by the agents who joined the students and teachers for this convivial moment.2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m .: Games on the beach. It is true that the temperature was more suitable for swimming than beach volleyball or beach rugby. However, some students and teachers were not afraid to face each other in hotly contested volleyball matches.3:30 p.m .: Return to the school on foot by the bay for the students and teachers who will have for the most part covered nearly 15 km during this successful day in a sumptuous and magical setting (according to the students who did not know Hendaye)The main objective of integrating new students and new teachers has been achieved!


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Article publié le SEPT 11, 2018 à 10h52 dans la catégorie « High school ».