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The AIZPURDI high school celebrates the ERASMUS DAYS in Bordeaux

  • userLycée Aïzpurdi
  • calendarNOV 20, 2018
  • folderERASMUS
  • commenting0 commentaire

A member of the AQUITAPRO Consortium since its creation (2013 - 2014), the Aizpurdi high school was invited to the ERASMUS DAYS which were held at the Gustave Eiffel high school in Bordeaux on Friday, October 12, 2018.

During this day rich in exchanges around the challenges of mobility and the importance of the professionalization of young people in a European framework, our students of the 2017/2018 class received their diploma from FCIL-AQUITAPRO (Complementary Training at International) from the hands of Nathalie Loiseau, Minister responsible for European Affairs.

Back in France after 6 months of mobility in a European country, everyone was delighted to be able to share their experience. They also shared their projects: for some, it will be an entry into working life made easier thanks to the professional and cultural background that AQUITAPRO represents; for others, the path to further education their is open. Finally, of youth graduates were only passing through Bordeaux, ready to leave for a new experience abroad!

The results of this AQUITAPRO system are therefore extremely positive to date on all fronts and inspire more and more candidates to follow this linguistic and professional path. In fact, in 2017/2018 at Lycée Aizpurdi, 9 of our students prepared themselves throughout their training in Hairdressing, Haircut, Color or Professional Baccalaureate in Aesthetics, Cosmetics, Perfumery with the aim of '' have the opportunity to participate in this extraordinary adventure. The 9 applications selected, the departure is imminent… We wish them the best and look forward to hearing from them in vivo!

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Article publié le NOV 20, 2018 à 11h05 dans la catégorie « ERASMUS ».