Lycée Aïzpurdi
NOV 12, 2019
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Introduction: We are going to present to you the BEAUTY ATELIER carried out with the Esthetics-Euro English sections with the association Landes and pays basque international women's club. Mrs. Duprat being part of this association with English ladies, offered them to serve as a model for the Seconde, 1er and Terminale Aesthetic Euro English classes in order to help us progress in the English language. In this article we will introduce ourselves, tell you about our experience with the foreign language and our feelings. I. Each session with English clients takes place once a month. In the DNL class, we prepared the course of the session: the welcome, the different treatments that they could choose and we proposed different topics for conversations that we could exchange with them, get to know each other and learn new words. The terminals created a roadmap explaining with the help of a map how to get from the Lycée de Bayonne to Hendaye by two different roads, then indicate to them where they could park easily near the school. 'establishment. Finally, the seconds finalized the emails we had written to clients to explain how the morning was going to be. II. We are the 1 PRO group 1, composed of Klara, Ludivine, Lys, Thea, Léa, Eve, Maiana, Lilou and Karen.On Tuesday, October 16, 2018, we received 6 ladies in our beauty salon. The two students, Eve and Lys, went to greet the clients in the entrance of the school accompanied by the professor of aesthetics, Ms. Duprat. [gallery order="DESC" columns="2" size="medium" ids="1211,1210"] Then we went up to join the rest of the group in the beauty salon, where we offered them coffee. Then we directed them to the locker room where they were able to change and put on a sarong. They chose the esthetician of their choice. We asked them what care they wanted. They then took place on the various care beds available and beauticians began to practice.
The different experiences and feelings of the students: Klara: For my part, I was stressed at the start of the session, not to be too successful in the performances and to speak English. During the session, I was less stressed, my client made me feel comfortable speaking English to me and helping me to speak English. It was a good experience. Ludivine: For this new experience, at the beginning I was very stressed to find myself alone with a client and who in addition did not speak or very little French, but she knew how to put me at ease, correct me when I did. language errors. Very good experience! Lys: During this experience, I was very stressed about not being able to speak correctly, but I quickly regained my confidence when welcoming the clients, so I found it really very enriching, I really liked and I can't wait to start over. Thea: Good experience, although at the beginning it was difficult for the language but the clients managed to put us at ease. Léa: A very good experience, the language barrier didn't bother me more than that, the clients managed to put us at ease. Eve: A superb experience which brought me a lot in English. It was very enriching, I can't wait to meet other English clients. Maiana: Despite some misgivings, this morning was a very good experience. The language barrier was not a problem for me, the clients were very understandable and were able to put us at ease. Karen: At first I was extremely stressed but the client who was with me made me feel comfortable. I really enjoyed this experience. Conclusion: This project has been beneficial to us, especially with regard to our progress in English and in the technical context on clients. This also allowed us to have confidence in ourselves for the terminal project to go mobile in Ireland. We believe that this experience should be repeated. We would like to thank these English ladies for coming to Aïzpurdi high school
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Article publié le NOV 12, 2019 à 11h25 dans la catégorie « Aesthetic ».