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CAP ATMFC: Students and Seniors gathered for a visit

  • userLycée Aïzpurdi
  • calendarMAR 18, 2019
  • folderATMFC
  • commenting0 commentaire

On Thursday, March 14 in the afternoon, the students of section 1 CAP ATMFC met with pleasure the seniors of the DENENTZAT social center to share the visit of the park and the observatory castle of Abbadia in Hendaye. This visit, in the continuity of the "intergenerational meeting" project, evoked the story of Virginie and Antoine d'Abbadie. This castle, now owned by the Académie des Sciences, in neo-Gothic style, surprised our students with these paintings which, upon entry, invite you to travel and reveal the previous owner's logbook.

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Article publié le MAR 18, 2019 à 11h27 dans la catégorie « ATMFC ».