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16th edition of the “Let's create together” competition

  • userLycée Aïzpurdi
  • calendarOCT 7, 2015
  • folderAesthetic
  • commenting0 commentaire

Academic final and school & business awards ceremony - 06/10/2015 On June 10, 2015, at the Aquitaine Regional Council, Olivier Dugrip, Rector of the Bordeaux Academy, Chancellor of the Universities of Aquitaine, was alongside Alain Rousset, President of the Aquitaine Regional Council and Laurent Courbu, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Aquitaine Region, to present the prizes to the winners of the 16th edition of the “Let's create together” competition.


This year, for its 16th edition, the “Let's create together” competition mobilized 24 teams, 130 girls and boys from high school, CFA and BTS. The opportunity for them to express their entrepreneurial desire and to familiarize themselves with the economic environment of their region. This competition is open to all high school students in Aquitaine as well as CFA students. Since its launch in 1998, nearly 2,000 young people have taken action. Each team, made up of 3 to 8 students, has developed a complete business creation or takeover file as part of this educational action to raise awareness of entrepreneurship and business creation. The winning finalist teams selected in each department presented their project to a jury of experts during the academic final. The interests of young competitors are multiple, ranging from restaurant concepts combining gastronomy, culture, high technology and travel incentives, to the creation of personal services, including the distribution of cade wood scents or still live entertainment, well-being, fashion or design.

Teams competing for the academic final

Interdisciplinary educational exercise designed as a real link between school and business , the "Créons Ensemble" competition brings together major institutional partners: rectorate of the Bordeaux Academy, Regional Council of 'Aquitaine, Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Aquitaine; and business and business partners: Banque Populaire Aquitaine Center Atlantique, SNCF.


  • Let's Create Together Trophy and Innovation Prize, for the Dream Eat winning team from the Périgord de Boulazac - Dordogne hotel school
  • Solidarity prize, for the Beauty Dream team of Lycée Aïzpurdu in Hendaye - Pyrénées Atlantiques
  • Best Business Plan Award, for the Serenity team of the Lycée Grand Air in Arcachon - Gironde
  • Price of the market opportunity seized, for the Size’s Travel team at Lycée Jean-Baptiste de Baudre d'Agen - Lot-et-Garonne



Type of project



24Catering combining gastronomic and high-techHotel School of Périgord BoulazacProject to promote gastronomic catering through the invitation to travel. Set off, explore, venture, move from one high-tech dream to another while remaining seated, according to the themes and panoramic images that follow one another and overwhelm you. A new look for an exalted sense of taste
33Remote service offer for second homesGrand Air High SchoolArcachonProject to offer services to owners of second homes on the Basin. Make your resort property a non-austere hotel house, tailor-made and in all seasons, for non-ordinary clients The quiet and remote management of your property
47Plus size ready-to-wear boutique for men, women and children with creation of a clothing lineJean-Baptiste de Baudre High SchoolAgentProject of a ready-to-wear boutique for large sizes and creation, collections of clothing, lingerie and shoes for women, men and children, which combine comfort with elegance. When well-being rhymes with good -mis
64Home socio-aesthetic offerAïzpurdi Hendaye High SchoolA project to provide aesthetic home care to people who are sick or weakened by damage to body image. The beauty of the body as the ultimate resource and helps quality of life


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Article publié le OCT 7, 2015 à 14h15 dans la catégorie « Aesthetic ».