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All the keys to good entrepreneurship for women


Yesterday morning, the Aïzpurdi vocational school organized its first “international” round table on the theme of female entrepreneurship. A success. Eric BECQUET (Friday April 17, 2015)


Ana and her daughter run a beauty and care center in Irun. PHOTO E.B.

Yesterday morning, at the Antoine-d'Abbadie auditorium in Hendaye, the Aïzpurdi vocational school (training in aesthetics and hairdressing) organized its first round table: "Female entrepreneurship". And this first was rich in exchanges and professional paths. In front of a copiously filled room, women entrepreneurs, students in projects or associations followed one another on the platform to discuss their experiences. It is against a musical background of Jean Ferrat - "the woman is the future of the man" - that the principal Bernard Cabos-Duhamel launched the show, by relying on two key words of the morning: "Dare "And" ambition ". "Women are less likely to be entrepreneurs and often wait longer than men before starting, but generally, the companies they create are more sustainable", had explained upstream the principal.

The future of women

After a dynamic video giving a voice to creative women, it was “locals” who explained their career. First, there was Séverine Ibarbure, 33, a former student, who created her hairdressing salon in Hendaye in 2012. “If I had been told at the time of high school that I was going to start, I would have said not at all! », She emphasizes. We learn in passing that 13 hairdressing salons exist in the city. She admits to having been pushed by her husband: could the man therefore also be the future of the woman? Psychology with clients, maternity issues… She explained, and encouraged.

Cross-border difference

There was also the very rich testimony of Ana and her daughter Sara. They founded a care and beauty center in Irun. With a leimotif: five treatments for 30 euros. Here we learn the administrative differences for starting a business. “It's much easier in Spain,” submits Sara. In particular at the level of social charges. Two duos of young high school girls, Alice and Rafaela, Aurélie and Cloé, headed by their teacher Vanessa Agrech, proposed their market study. They participate in the “Let's create together” competition. Finally, another rich idea of ​​this round table: the coming of different associations, presented by active women supporting female entrepreneurship. Often unrecognized organisms. Anderre Nahia, the will of women, for example based in Espelette, goes beyond practical help. It is support that is intended to be constant. The center of young leaders (CDJ) or the association Women business leaders were part, for equally rich experiences. Finally, it was Chantal Kehrig-Cottençon, responsible with her husband for a campsite, employee in a public works company, elected to the City, the Agglo and the Department who concluded, showing that everything was possible today ' hui. All these ladies will have made the happiness of several high school girls from Hendaye, including Emilie, 16 and a half years old: “It was very interesting for us, because we are undergoing professional training and we are going to have to return to working life very quickly. It was great, very rich. These women do a lot of things, I am very surprised. »It will no longer be used in the 2 th edition, which is now essential.

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Article publié le JUIN 23, 2015 à 14h04 dans la catégorie « High school ».