Competition for the Best Apprentice in France
Lycée Aïzpurdi
MAR 30, 2016
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March 23, 2015 , Aizpurdi vocational school hosted the departmental tests of the 31st competition “One of the best apprentices in France”. In the presence of Mrs. Karine Moncla, one of the best workers in France and regional president of the aesthetic competition as well as Mrs. Coussirat, one of the best workers in France and departmental president, eight young girls including five students of the establishment performed the imposed services by the subject before a jury made up of professors and professionals.
The given professional situation was as follows:
"Your client is making an appointment at the institute. She has alipidic skin with a few wrinkles on her face and a wrinkled, slightly dehydrated eye area. She is going to a birthday dinner and wishes for smoky makeup (black or color) and a colored mouth in harmony with its outfit "
The candidates had to achieve in 3 hours:
-A facial and neck treatment using two devices.
-Armpit hair removal with a wax of your choice.
-Make-up adapted to demand.
-A manicure with an application of dark lacquered varnish.
-A presentation of the technical file explaining the facial treatment protocol and the products chosen.
Following the jury's deliberations, five departmental medals were awarded, two of which were awarded to the students of Aizpurdi high school.
Congratulations to our two departmental winners:
Miss Di-Pasquale Mélinda, gold medal
Miss Jamet Anna, Bronze Medal
Next regional stop for Mélinda Di-Pasquale: April 25 in Bordeaux.
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Article publié le MAR 30, 2016 à 07h29 dans la catégorie « Aesthetic ».