Food in all its forms: a remarkable exhibition
Lycée Aïzpurdi
JUIN 23, 2015
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As part of the "eat well, live well" project, led by Mrs. Muriel Houllier, dietitian, the students of the ATMFC section (Assistant in the Family and Collective Environment) mobilized their knowledge in nutrition to produce an exhibition entitled " in one hell of a state ". A group of hairdressing students completed their production with work on artists related to food. The students showed with humor and pedagogy the role of food groups, the need to not neglect any one while knowing how to moderate; They showed how it is necessary to combine pleasure and reason to balance one's diet and meet the needs of all cells and organs of the human body. Comic book recipes allow you to admire another facet of their talents and skills.
This exhibition was presented during the establishment's Open Day and at the town hall of Hendaye during the graduation ceremony and awards to deserving students by the Lion's Club. Its purpose is to circulate in primary schools or any other structure.
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Article publié le JUIN 23, 2015 à 14h19 dans la catégorie « ATMFC ».