Greta - Aesthetic Training
Lycée Aïzpurdi
MAI 11, 2016
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Within the Aizpurdi high school, the Greta offers two training courses :
- Balinese massage
- Swedish massage
1- The "Balinese Modeling" training
The main benefit of Balinese massage is relaxation of body and mind. It brings energy and good humor to life by acting on the nervous system and blood circulation. You will find the description of the training by clicking here
2- The "Swedish Modeling" training
Its toning and relaxing effect promotes blood circulation, the elimination of toxins and helps the body to regain its natural balance. It acts on the body in depth. You will find the description of the training by clicking here
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Article publié le MAI 11, 2016 à 07h38 dans la catégorie « GRETA ».