Venez découvrir nos formations présentées par les enseignants et les élèves lors de la journée Portes Ouvertes du samedi 15 février et du prochain mini-stage du mercredi 19 février 2025 !

Mini-stages d'immersion 2016 - 2017

The Lycée AÏZPURDI d'HENDAYE offers for 3rd year secondary school students, 3rd MDP6 or 3rd SEGPA as well as for 2nd or 1st general, technological or professional high school students who wish to reorient themselves (bridges), mini-internships under the in the form of a full day of observation per student from January 15 until the end of May 2017 (9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.). The midday meal will be billed to the support establishment.

Training offered: - Bac Pro Aesthetics-Cosmetics-Perfumery - CAP Hairdressing - CAP ATMFC (Technical agent in family and collective environment) You will find by clicking above : - The registration form for mini-internship request - The mini-internship kit, including Booklet, Agreement and Follow-up sheets To organize the planning of the internships, send the mini-internship request form to the office of the assistant to the works manager (Tel: 10). You will then be offered a welcome date and if it is appropriate: - The home establishment will print the ZAP Nive-Adour mini-internship kit (including the agreement) indicating the date chosen (after agreement), sign it. and have it signed by the family. - During the Mini-Internship, the student comes with the pre-filled mini-internship kit (attention to the student questionnaire to complete). - At the end of the immersion course, the student will leave with his booklet completed by the Lycée, which will have given an assessment as well as the signature of the head of the establishment as an act of attendance. NEW! A personalized welcome for accompanying parents will be organized from 9:30 am to 10:30 am (coffee reception + visit to the boarding school and interview with the head of the establishment). For any further information, the establishment is at your disposal. Our Open House Day will take place on Saturday April 8 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Bernard Cabos-Duhamel Principal

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Article publié le FEV 7, 2017 à 08h28 dans la catégorie « High school ».