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The English EURO section discovering Ireland

  • userLycée Aïzpurdi
  • calendarJUIL 9, 2018
  • folderERASMUS
  • commenting0 commentaire

This year, thanks to a European grant obtained within the framework of the European Erasmus Plus project, 17 students of the Hairdressing and Aesthetics, cosmetics, perfumery sections had the opportunity to fly to Cork or / and Dublin to experience a one-month immersion stay with a host family combined with an internship in their favorite professional world, hairdressing salon, beauty institute, spa, perfume or nail salon.

If this adventure was the opportunity to confront a new cultural universe, it also allowed to experiment with new professional practices in a foreign context. The beginnings of mobility were not always a smooth journey because it is not easy to change your "daily life". For some students, it was the 1 st great trip away from the family… Nevertheless, accompanied by the educational team and the host organization, the students quickly took their marks. At the end of the trip, the results are particularly positive on all fronts: cultural enrichment, real linguistic progress, improved professional skills, and as a bonus a gain in autonomy! Some students, so delighted with their experiences, applied to relive the experience at the end of their Complementary Mention or Baccalaureate course, but this time for 6 months in a European country of their choice!

Here is, through a few photographs or short films, some slices of life or testimonies collected during the various stays in Cork or Dublin which took place from February to May 2018.

  • Presentation of the stay in Ireland of the hairdressing MC students here
  • The interview of MC hairdressing students here

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Article publié le JUIL 9, 2018 à 09h25 dans la catégorie « ERASMUS ».