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The final Bac Pro Aesthetics in London

  • userLycée Aïzpurdi
  • calendarMAR 16, 2016
  • folderAesthetic
  • commenting0 commentaire

London: ready, steady, go!

Biarritz airport, Sunday March 13, 2016 ... Amaia, Auriane, Audrey, Eden, Mélodie, and Océane, students of Terminale Bac Pro aesthetics, cosmetics, perfumery are about to fly to London to live a wonderful adventure thanks to a scholarship granted by the Erasmus Plus scheme: a one-month immersion stay with a host family combined with an internship in their favorite professional world, beauty institute, spa, perfume or nail salon. The atmosphere is joyful, the young girls have been waiting for this moment for a long time. But the impatience to discover a new way of life and to put into practice "in vivo" their professional know-how, mixes a little of the stress which any new experience arouses. But don't worry, the teachers reassure them: they have been prepared to face these new situations and on site, the CEI (International Exchange Center) is at their disposal in the event of a problem. The last week of the London stay will be devoted to their evaluation by the aesthetics teacher, the English teacher, in conjunction with the students' internship supervisors. The 6 young girls will share their experiences on their return.

Depart London Biarritz 13 03 2016

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Article publié le MAR 16, 2016 à 07h22 dans la catégorie « Aesthetic ».