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The final Bac Pro Aesthetics of the Lycée Aïzpurdi at the University

  • userLycée Aïzpurdi
  • calendarJUIN 2, 2016
  • folderAesthetic
  • commenting0 commentaire


Why our Bac Pro Aesthetics students at the University of Pau?

On the occasion of the 2015 science festival, the final BAC PRO AESTHETIC students from the AIZPURDI high school as well as 4 accompanying teachers, had the pleasure of being welcomed at the University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour. Mr. Vallverdu, lecturer of the chemistry department presented us activities on olfactory molecules for the open days of the chemistry department. bac-pro-esthetique-universite-2

Aesthetics and perfume creation

The workshops took place in the practical work rooms in the buildings of the Sciences and Techniques UFR. The activity lasted 1h30. After having distributed the safety equipment (lab coat, glasses) to the pupils and supervisors, they formed two groups. For the sake of efficiency, each group participated in two activities, each lasting about 45 minutes, and these activities took place simultaneously in two neighboring practical rooms. bac-pro-esthetique-universite-3

1) Synthesis of odorous molecules

During this activity, the students were led to do some rapid syntheses of esters in a test tube. Assemblies for extracting essential oils (hydro-distillation, steam training) were presented. The operation of gas chromatography was discussed with an example on hydrocarbons. We proceeded to the separation of constituent terpenes of an essential oil (lemon, orange).

2) Identification of chemical substances

The objective of this activity was to identify some chemical substances from characteristic tests. A table was provided to the pupils allowing them, by crossing their results, to identify the substances at their disposal. A booklet allowing them to take some notes on the results obtained was provided to the pupils at the same time as the gown and glasses. bac-pro-esthetique-universite-4Mr. ACHOTEGUI, science teacher at Lycée Aïzpurdi Hendaye [gallery columns="4" ids="466,465,464,463" link="file"]

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Article publié le JUIN 2, 2016 à 07h03 dans la catégorie « Aesthetic ».