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The passport for European employment

  • userLycée Aïzpurdi
  • calendarNOV 28, 2016
  • folderERASMUS
  • commenting0 commentaire

Southwest article from November 26, 2016 by Edith Anselme

109 high school girls in Aizpurdi received their Europass on Wednesday.

For a whole generation of students, the film "The Spanish Inn" aroused desires elsewhere. In his role, actor Romain Duris discovered the joys of Erasmus programs in the beautiful city of Barcelona.

[caption id="attachment_732" align="aligncenter" width="500"]europass-aizpurdi Aizpurdi students caught the mobility bug

Europe at its best, has long been reserved for young people entering higher education. That time is over. Young workers, apprentices and even high school students can now claim the big departure. The students of Aizpurdi high school, who caught the mobility virus, are living proof. 106 young girls from the European section of the Hendaye establishment have thus chosen to flourish and expand their chosen field during a stay abroad. On Wednesday, these final baccalaureate pro aesthetics students in the Spanish section received from the hands of Jean-Luc Prigent, chief of staff of the Erasmus + agency, their Europass mobility card.

A great European CV

This is a portfolio that brings together (in paper format and online on the Internet) documents describing all the skills and competences acquired during an internship, studies or professional experience carried out in a European country. A sort of super continental CV that can be used during job searches in France and throughout Europe. In particular, it represents great added value during a recruitment interview. “I did not think I could pass the step of an experience abroad, explains one of the high school girls. But I gained confidence in myself and I became more independent. Today, she is considering giving up her initial training to pursue law studies. Traveling, going elsewhere, doing training courses thanks to Erasmus has opened up horizons for these students that they never suspected. After this first stay abroad, they already want to leave and especially to continue their studies. For Jean-Luc Prigent, these stays forge European values: “We see the world differently”.

Even if it is facilitated by the various programs available, "this commitment testifies to a certain open-mindedness and the refusal to turn in on oneself among the students who have embarked on this process", underlines Émilie Dutoya, regional advisor. and member of the school board.

An opinion shared by the principal Bernard Cabos-Duhamel who recognizes that his establishment is located in the heart of the cross-border, on an important European axis: “The international is at our doors. It is a plus for studies. For us San Sebastian is not abroad, going there is usual. "

This desire to see and work elsewhere is also a reward for the teachers who invest in the process and devote long working hours to the organization of these stays. The next departures are coveted and many dream of the Canaries.

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Article publié le NOV 28, 2016 à 08h09 dans la catégorie « ERASMUS ».